Rebekah and I are so amazed at how good God has been to us. This afternoon we received word that our debut novel, Seeing Beyond, is a finalist for one of the major national awards in Christian Fiction. The Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference notified us that SEEING BEYOND is a finalist in the category of First Novel for the Selah Award.
The glory for this book goes directly to God. How many times did I walk away from my computer during a difficult part only to have the Lord pour something into my mind that took the story in the next amazing direction. As I have said before, It has become something much bigger than Rebekah and I.
Not only is the book about a cast of unusual characters trying to unravel an ever-changing, action packed, mystery to save their loved ones, but the novel also explores the economy of God where the last shall be first and the great mysteries are revealed to the simple. Featuring some characters who have genetic syndromes and might be amazingly gifted, the story could change the way you look at people with special needs. If you have not read it yet, I hope you might give it a try at: https://www.amazon.com/Seeing-Beyond-Special-Heroes-Book-ebook/dp/B07GS7PDZ4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1535602698&sr=8-1&keywords=seeing+beyond. This month, my publisher Forget Me Not Romances an imprint of Winged Publications will be starting a book club and Seeing Beyond will be included in the listings. Watch: https://www.facebook.com/groups/112360929459818/ for details on how to get SEEING BEYOND and other books for just .99 cents.
Here is the funny story behind how we got the word. Since I work nights, I sleep during the day. When I woke up today, I had a facebook message from Jenn Pierce (our writing buddy from the NW Arkansas chapter of the American Christian Fiction Writers) telling me to check my email. When I looked, there were two emails from the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference which hosts the famous Selah Award. I first opened a general letter thanking all of us who entered and telling how there had been a record number of entries and how close and difficult the judging had been. Oh well, better luck next time it seemed to say.
I then opened the next email that announced the finalists. I was so excited to find that Jenn was a finalist in not only the Romantic Suspense category but also First Novel. She entered both her first and second works and both placed as finalists in separate categories. What a great accomplishment. Then I noticed that below her name in the First Novel section SEEING BEYOND was listed. Now I am doubly excited.
Thank you for all your prays. It is prayer that has made all of this possible. Please pray God can use both Jenn’s and my work for his glory.