This first slide show features Rebekah’s Scripture cards that have been colored by her friends from 1 year old to 95 years young! Thank you dear ones. Keep scrolling to download your own copies for coloring or sharing. We would love to see how you color Rebekah’s cards. Send them as a .jpg file to: Let us know if we can share them here.
Come unto me all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
There are times we all need comfort. I selected these Scriptures with the prayer that they will help you face the trials and tribulations of life. On this page you will find these Scriptures in two forms for downloading – my coloring Scripture cards and (near the bottom of the page) a one page sheet designed to be cut into small cards for memorization and meditation. You may print as many as you want or have your print shop do it for you (see limitations below). These two slide shows feature cards I have colored to give you ideas and inspiration. Printing the cards on cardstock will make them easier to work with and they will last longer. Laminating them will further protect them.
I love to use UNU-tac to stick the laminated cards wherever might give me the best opportunity for meditation and memorization.
If you know of someone else who might benefit from these sheets or coloring cards, please download the files and print and share freely (see limitations below). We pray these resources are a blessing and we would appreciate your prayers for the ministry of WyattWove.
May we rejoice before HIM together in praise!
In HIS service, Rebekah Wyatt.
(Copyright – All rights reserved. Terms of use below apply to any and all image formats and downloads.)
I created the following set of images to give you some ideas of the diverse ways you can add colors, borders, and embellishments to these Scripture cards. When you are ready, scroll on to download and get started creating your own colored cards.
Scripture Card Download Instructions
Click on the video for detailed instructions. Use the square brackets button in the lower right side corner of the video to enlarge it. Press escape to downsize it. (The video was made using a desktop computer, so if you are using a phone or tablet you might have to adapt, for example: using the “back” button instead of the escape key. To download or print the free items on this page, follow these instructions. Scroll down until you find the sheet you want to download and look for the lime green button. By pressing the button you agree to the usage statement above the button saying that you won’t try to sell these items or represent them as something other than a WyattWove creation. We do hope you will freely download and share them. Pressing the green button will open a .pdf file in another window on your browser. From there you will need to look for a printer button to print and a save button to download the file onto your device. If you don’t want to download the file you are welcome to return to this page as often as you like to print a new sheet. Be sure your printer does not try to resize the sheet. It needs to be printed actual size so it can be cut into 4 equal size cards (5 1/2 x 4 1/4) and the images will come out correctly. Again, watch the video to the left for detailed instructions.
(Copyright – All rights reserved. Terms of use below apply to any and all image formats.)
Coloring Scripture Card #1 (download below)
![Coloring Scripture Card sheet #1](
These items must remain free. Please read before downloading.
8 1/2 x 11 sheet containing 4 WyattWove Coloring Scripture Cards free for Downloading for personal use or to distribute to others at NO COST. By downloading you agree never to sell this item or use it for commercial purposes even as a free promotional to support the sale of other items or the promotion of a personality, brand, or ministry, without the specific written permission of the author. This does not limit individuals, churches, or Christian groups from offering this as part of a free ministry of comfort or encouragement so long as the logo is not removed and the product is not represented as belonging to any person or organization other than May the Lord bless your use of these items to comfort and encourage others.
Coloring Scripture Card #2 (download below)
(Copyright – All rights reserved. Terms of use below apply to any and all image formats.)
![Coloring Scripture Card sheet #2](
These items must remain free. Please read before downloading.
8 1/2 x 11 sheet containing 4 WyattWove Coloring Scripture Cards free for Downloading for personal use or to distribute to others at NO COST. By downloading you agree never to sell this item or use it for commercial purposes even as a free promotional to support the sale of other items or the promotion of a personality, brand, or ministry, without the specific written permission of the author. This does not limit individuals, churches, or Christian groups from offering this as part of a free ministry of comfort or encouragement so long as the logo is not removed and the product is not represented as belonging to any person or organization other than May the Lord bless your use of these items to comfort and encourage others.
Coloring Scripture Card #3 (download below)
(Copyright – All rights reserved. Terms of use below apply to any and all image formats.)
![Coloring Scripture Card sheet #3](
These items must remain free. Please read before downloading.
8 1/2 x 11 sheet containing 4 WyattWove Coloring Scripture Cards free for Downloading for personal use or to distribute to others at NO COST. By downloading you agree never to sell this item or use it for commercial purposes even as a free promotional to support the sale of other items or the promotion of a personality, brand, or ministry, without the specific written permission of the author. This does not limit individuals, churches, or Christian groups from offering this as part of a free ministry of comfort or encouragement so long as the logo is not removed and the product is not represented as belonging to any person or organization other than May the Lord bless your use of these items to comfort and encourage others.
Coloring Scripture Card #4 (download below)
(Copyright – All rights reserved. Terms of use below apply to any and all image formats.)
![Coloring Scripture Card sheet #4](
These items must remain free. Please read before downloading.
8 1/2 x 11 sheet containing 4 WyattWove Coloring Scripture Cards free for Downloading for personal use or to distribute to others at NO COST. By downloading you agree never to sell this item or use it for commercial purposes even as a free promotional to support the sale of other items or the promotion of a personality, brand, or ministry, without the specific written permission of the author. This does not limit individuals, churches, or Christian groups from offering this as part of a free ministry of comfort or encouragement so long as the logo is not removed and the product is not represented as belonging to any person or organization other than May the Lord bless your use of these items to comfort and encourage others.
Coloring Scripture Card #5 (download below)
(Copyright – All rights reserved. Terms of use below apply to any and all image formats.)
![Coloring Scripture Card sheet #5](
These items must remain free. Please read before downloading.
8 1/2 x 11 sheet containing 4 WyattWove Coloring Scripture Cards free for Downloading for personal use or to distribute to others at NO COST. By downloading you agree never to sell this item or use it for commercial purposes even as a free promotional to support the sale of other items or the promotion of a personality, brand, or ministry, without the specific written permission of the author. This does not limit individuals, churches, or Christian groups from offering this as part of a free ministry of comfort or encouragement so long as the logo is not removed and the product is not represented as belonging to any person or organization other than May the Lord bless your use of these items to comfort and encourage others.
Coloring Scripture Card #6 (download below)
(Copyright – All rights reserved. Terms of use below apply to any and all image formats.)
![Coloring Scripture Card sheet #6](
These items must remain free. Please read before downloading.
8 1/2 x 11 sheet containing 4 WyattWove Coloring Scripture Cards free for Downloading for personal use or to distribute to others at NO COST. By downloading you agree never to sell this item or use it for commercial purposes even as a free promotional to support the sale of other items or the promotion of a personality, brand, or ministry, without the specific written permission of the author. This does not limit individuals, churches, or Christian groups from offering this as part of a free ministry of comfort or encouragement so long as the logo is not removed and the product is not represented as belonging to any person or organization other than May the Lord bless your use of these items to comfort and encourage others.
Coloring Scripture Card #7 (download below)
(Copyright – All rights reserved. Terms of use below apply to any and all image formats.)
![Coloring Scripture Card Sheet #7](
These items must remain free. Please read before downloading.
8 1/2 x 11 sheet containing 4 WyattWove Coloring Scripture Cards free for Downloading for personal use or to distribute to others at NO COST. By downloading you agree never to sell this item or use it for commercial purposes even as a free promotional to support the sale of other items or the promotion of a personality, brand, or ministry, without the specific written permission of the author. This does not limit individuals, churches, or Christian groups from offering this as part of a free ministry of comfort or encouragement so long as the logo is not removed and the product is not represented as belonging to any person or organization other than May the Lord bless your use of these items to comfort and encourage others.
Keep watching this site for more Coloring Scripture Cards.
Here is a collection of comforting Scriptures on two sheets that can be cut into small cards for meditation and memorizing. Feel free to download the pdf below.
![Comfort Scripture sheet](
A collection of comforting scriptures (no art included) on two sheets designed to be cut into small cards for meditation or memorization.
First in Rebekah’s “Christian Life” Series of cards
Scroll down to the lime green button to download. For further assistance in downloading scroll up to the box entitled, “Scripture Download Instructions” which includes a video.
![1st John 4:12b Scripture Card](
These items must remain free. Please read before downloading.
8 1/2 x 11 sheet containing 4 WyattWove Coloring Scripture Cards free for Downloading for personal use or to distribute to others at NO COST. By downloading you agree never to sell this item or use it for commercial purposes even as a free promotional to support the sale of other items or the promotion of a personality, brand, or ministry, without the specific written permission of the author. This does not limit individuals, churches, or Christian groups from offering this as part of a free ministry of comfort or encouragement so long as the logo is not removed and the product is not represented as belonging to any person or organization other than May the Lord bless your use of these items to comfort and encourage others.
Creative Journaling Bible Studies – Finding Myself in the Book: creative art Bible study journal
Culture has a lot to say to women, telling them what they are and what they should be. But is that God’s plan? What does the Bible say about (and to) women?
Filled with Rebekah’s whimsical art for coloring, lined pages for journaling, blank space for drawing, diagraming, and doodling, and paper art to make it your own, FINDING MYSELF IN THE BOOK is a compilation of the passages in the Bible that are specifically for ladies—the places where God speaks about His will for us girls.
It is also a collection of the stories of women in the Holy Text who triumphed in their lives or in the moment—women submitted to the Lord, allowing Him to use them in His way and in His time.
Without commentary, FINDING MYSELF IN THE BOOK presents the Scriptures that have women at their heart—admonishing, exhorting, rebuking, and encouraging through the Words of the Lord and the lives of the ladies.
With accompanying ebook full of hyperlinks on every Scripture reference to compare other translations and read further in the Word. This book features Rebekah’s earlier work and she doesn’t think the art and formatting are up to par with her Scripture cards but the Scripture study is still useful.