The author’s hope – a generation of new readers.
Cover to Cover
I found a book upon a shelf, Settled down all by myself, And opened it with full anticipation. Who knows where this path has gone? But each sentence pulls me on, Fully captured by imagination. In the pages, tucked inside, With only words to be my guide I venture forth in eager trepidation. By candle flame or flashlight aim I’m someone else by place and name. The passport pages forward my migration. I started out as just a child. Now I’m a warrior, brave and wild, Fighting on to see the world’s salvation. But things turn hopeless, all is lost, And I am forced to count the cost. Will I go on and face obliteration? Reaching deep, I ask God then, To make me more than I have been, And inside I feel the alteration. I solve the riddle, find the cure. I don’t give up, I long endure, Building strong my character’s foundation. All is saved in triumph’s cry. I settle back and breathe a sigh. Book in lap, I sit in rumination. In the end To see good win Has strengthened my determination. I’m different now, grown somehow, And there are things I won’t allow, And it’s a strange sensation. By Kent Wyatt www.wyattwove.com